Sunday 6 May 2012

The concept

The concepts formulated from both architectural styles have very important themes of craftsmanship and spirituality and it is this similarity that has driven the design of my final monument.
Tradition, power and beauty were key attributes of the Structures' design. I have tried to emulate a dynamic environmental connection with the "i" type prisms towards the end of the monument and by also formulating part of the monuments from the environment itself as seen in the hole at the base of the meeting space.
I have selected wood as the material of this monument as its' a traditional material which is dynamic as
weathering takes place.
I have decided to incorporate soft flowing textures through the meeting space of the monument this is aimed to imitate the transition from the drastic rocky mountainous section of the environment with the soft calming hillside section, similarly when viewing from the hillside section i have used sharp linear textures to imitate the rugged mountains.

I Believe the monument formed is capable of achieving  " the highly crucial experience beyond perception"

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