Thursday 8 March 2012

Sketchup early development drafts

This task involved selecting one of the 18 sketches from the previous task and building a 3D model based on that sketch.

This sketch was selected as i believe it creates a great open space for a gallery which invites the environment in and also because it conveys some of the differences and similarities of the 2 artists.

I believe the design above is beginning to portray that connection between the environment and the open space that I am aiming to achieve. I have decided to use strong colors for the 2nd level and underground sections of the structure to portray how both artists are unified in their uniqueness. Glass has also been a key factor, especially in the underground space which has a glass ceiling designed to allow the artist to look up and enjoy the artwork above.

This view of my design shows ski lift in which i decided to include because it consists of 360 degrees of glass sections designed to create a unique and surreal experience.

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